The Trader Joe’s hot Cocoa Snowman, a Sparkling shadow by hourglass as well as Nomad Cosmetics

To whoever created the hot cocoa snowman, say thanks to you from bottom of my heart. I never understood exactly how weirdly satisfying it is to stick a chocolate snowman into a mug full of warm milk as well as view it disintegrate up until now.

The finest part of this whole process is when the snowman’s stomach melts as well as chocolate chips as well as marshmallows come out of its booty. count on me, it’s fun.


By the way, I got these men from Trader Joe’s! If you see them, get them. They’re very fun. If you discover the drink a bit as well wonderful (I did), then just thin it out with a sprinkle of hot water. works like a charm.

In other holiday news, I’m practically prepared to join team finished with Christmas Shopping. I completed many of my buying last weekend at Sephora, as well as shockingly, I really stuck to my game plan as well as purchased gifts for other people as well as walked out with absolutely nothing for myself. Not to state I didn’t want to. It would’ve been a completely different story if this champagne colored cream shine shadow from hourglass called Ray was in stock.

I saw it, together with a slew of gorgeous hourglass lip as well as cheek products, in a reel on SpaceNK’s Instagram. The makeup artist, Jacinta Spencer, layers the shadow onto her lids with her fingers, as well as the result is a ideal mix of shine as well as glam.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

My heart broke a bit when the sales partner told me Ray wasn’t offered since I liked the shimmer — the shine pieces weren’t as well huge or as well small. perhaps I’ll purchase it online. Or perhaps I’ll just put it on my desire listing up until my next charm whim strikes, ha ha ha.

I think, for now, just to get the desire to wear shine out of my system, I’m going to do something similar to Jacinta’s look with shine in this combination by Nomad Cosmetics. They’re a vegan as well as cruelty-free brand that makes travel-themed products.

This combination is Venice-Simplon Express, which is a nod to the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, a personal high-end train service that runs from London to Venice.

How about that red shade? УХ ТЫ! I haven’t used red eyeshadow in a minute, however I may just for fun to frighten my coworkers on my next video call, ha ha ha!


Speaking of video calls, I’ve got a few lined up this morning, so I ought to go get ready. Are you working today, too? I hope things are mellow for you this week! Talk soon, ok?

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