Макияж и блог Charm Blog Monday, Vol. 297

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

Well, it isn’t much of a poll. Это гораздо больше всего лишь постоянно развивающееся (развлеченное?), Несколько случайный список вопросов, которые я выпускал читателям каждое утро понедельника в течение последних шести лет. Я всегда в восторге от чтения ваших ответов в комментариях, и я надеюсь, что вы наслаждаетесь чтением.

How numerous animals do you currently assist in your capacity as a professional pet assistant?
Just one demanding diva tabby. I’d love to get him an officemate, also known as someone else to boss around, but he’s an alpha cat (’nuff said). Something tells me that would not go well…

Glasses or contacts?
I have both, but mostly glasses, because I like being “the girl with the glasses.” but I do wear my contacts when I work out.

Are you close to any of your cousins?
Not really, unfortunately. I have a large extended family, but we didn’t see them very much when I was growing up because we all lived so far apart.

I always thought it would be cool to be BFFs with a cousin.

Have you ever had bangs?
Yes, off and on because I was a kid. best now mine are side-swept, but I had a blunt cut a couple years ago that went across my forehead.

Ice cream or sorbet?
Sorbet is bullsh*t.

Do you ever take selfies?
Uh…are cats moody?

That’s a yes. but it’s typically just to make sure my eye makeup looks even, LOL!

How do you typically fill in your brows?
Usually using a thin, flat blush or an angled brush and eyeshadow, which I apply in the sparse areas.


There are other ways, but I like this one because it’s quick, easy and I like how natural it looks.

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of a sorority?
No, but I had a lot of friends who were in college. They were good girls and were always trying to get me to join.

I don’t know… I think I might’ve liked it, but I just didn’t have the time between work, volunteering and school.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

When was the last time you went to the beach?
О, парень. I wish I could go today — to a warm beach — but it was last August in Kauai.

I miss the hotel kitties…

Are you working on any arts and crafts projects?
Not now, but I would love to knit Tabs an infinity scarf with a matching beanie.

Crazy cat lady much?

Теперь твоя очередь. Просто скопируйте и вставьте следующие вопросы в комментарий с вашими ответами. Я с нетерпением жду, чтобы прочитать их!

1. how numerous animals do you currently assist?
2. Glasses or contacts?
3. Are you close to any of your cousins?
4. have you ever had bangs?
5. Ice cream or sorbet?
6. Do you ever take selfies?
7. how do you typically fill in your brows?
8. Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of a sorority?
9. When was the last time you went to the beach?
10. Are you working on any arts and crafts projects?

Hmm… I’m not completely sold on this whole Monday thing. I didn’t really get a lot of stimulus last weekend, so I don’t have any interesting anecdotes to share. I mean, I did have a cool conversation with a man at Trader Joe’s yesterday about the 49ers. That was probably the most interesting conversation I had all week, outside of the stuff we talk about here (because makeup is always pretty interesting to me).

But the football thing does not bode well for my overall creativity this week, although who knows? maybe we’ll talk about some football stuff this week. Кто угодно? Which team has your favorite uniforms?

I’m still trying to get a deal with on my day, as you can see. I hope you’re hanging in there. drop me a line to say hi when you can. Fingers crossed that we all have a great day.


Ваш дружелюбный дом очарования соседства,


Слияние pleased veterans Day.

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