Like the Universe, Benefit’s Box O’ Powder Line Is Expanding…With Rosy Gold Rockateur Powder blush

Soft rocking with rose gold benefit Rockateur ($28) on my cheeks
With Rockateur, Benefit’s Box O’ Powder line is expanding! (like my husky tabby’s waistline/kitty empire) — while simultaneously shrinking over time…

Stardate: 2008. Bene-babes were bringing home their Boxes O’ Powder, like the lovely Coralista, for $28 each, but they were getting 0.42 ounces of product.


Fast forward five years to today…

We’re all driving hover cars, our greatest scientists are cats, and most of the brand’s powders still cost $28! — except that now they contain just 0.28 ounces of product (with the exception of Thrrrob, which still comes with the same 0.42 ounces for some reason).

A closeup of the Rockateur pan… The rosy golden shimmer at the edges is an overspray.
Stranger still, the new Rockateur is even smaller, containing just 0.17 ounces of powder.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас


Could this mean that all of Benefit’s Boxes O’ Powder will shrink over time without a drop in price? I don’t know (but I hope not).

Thankfully, Rockateur’s small stature doesn’t take anything away from the blush itself, a lovely neutral rosy gold with shimmer. more of a light peachy coral pink on my tan skin, it should look even brighter and more intense on lighter and medium skin tones.

It reminds me a lot of benefit Sugarbomb, but with less coral and much more pink. I’m wearing two layers to really convey the color in these pics, but one layer works just fine for heading out and lasts through an eight-hour day.

The front o’ the box…
Chain print on the side

It comes with a wee brush
This pan is ready to ROCK!
Swatch of Rockateur (and a husky tabby in the background)
Two layers of Rockateur on my cheeks

Texture-wise, Rockateur is one of the softest and smoothest in the box O’ line, with a consistency that feels almost creamy. Ницца.


Is it a showstopper? Well, on my skin, perhaps not. I like it, but I think I do like Dallas and Coralista more. Lighter lovelies may benefit more from benefit Rockateur than I do.

PRICE: $28 for a 0.17-ounce box
AVAILABILITY: available now at benefit counters and online
Макияж и красота Рейтинг блога: B

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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