Defeat Dark Days With Bobbi Brown’s Brightening Blushes in Pink and Bronze

With the two new Bobbi brown Brightening Blushes ($45 each) from the new surf & Sand summer collection
Порядок! Порядок! People, please, work out down. I know we’re all upset, but let’s method this like adults.

OK…I call this meeting of the I Heart Ryan Gosling support group to order.


As many of you probably know, my name is Karen, and I’m the current president of the northern California chapter. I called this emergency meeting in reaction to the tragic news yesterday about Ryan.

We’ve received much more calls to the counseling line over the past 24 hours than we have in the prior two years. Clearly, numerous of us are upset.

There’s no two ways about it — this is a catastrophe, so we’re officially in disaster recovery mode.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

But as bad as things seem, we have to get it together, people. Давай! If I have to listen to another person cry on the phone for 45 minutes about she-who-will-not-be-named, I will lose my sh*t.

Focus. quit listening to Adele, get your butt off the couch, and change out of your pajamas. pull yourselves together! Ryan needs us now much more than ever.

In situations like this, I can’t recommend makeup enough. It always makes me feel a little better. In fact, blush is a personal favorite of mine.

Brightening blush in Pink 2
Brightening blush in Bronze 1
Why, before I applied these new Bobbi brown Brightening Blushes this afternoon, I felt like this…

Bummer, dude
But now I feel like this…

Everything’s gonna be A-OK

The 411 on Bobbi Brown’s Brightening Blush

Bobbi Brown’s new Brightening Blushes in Pink and Bronze. I’m wearing the pan on the far left from Pink on the apples of my cheeks, and the two smaller pans on the far best from Bronze as a highlighter on my upper cheekbones.

What, exactly, are the Brightening Blushes? They’re the two new limited edition Brightening Blushes from Bobbi’s surf & Sand summer collection. Each one has three shades that you can wear either separately or mixed together. Pink is the lighter option, and Bronze is the darker.

Для чего они? They’re for using as a blush, and/or a highlighter to brighten and lift your look, and depending on what kind of cheek look you’re going for, you can turn the shimmer up or down.
The shade on the far left of each pan is like a sheer, natural blush with a soft sheen finish. I like to use that one as a basic blush on the apples of my cheeks.

The center and far left shades include much much more shimmer, so I like to wear those as highlighters on my upper cheekbones.

How do they perform? Фантастический! They aren’t excessively frosty, so they look natural on the skin, and they don’t look or feel chalky. On my combination skin, they last a good long while, too. I don’t feel the need to touch-up until around hours 6-7.
These are dainty, pretty, natural blushes that are easy to use and last practically all day.

Where can I find them? Both Pink and Bronze are available now with the rest of the surf & Sand collection at Bobbi brown counters and online for $45 each.

The surf & Sand summer collection

On that note, unless anybody has anything particular to add about Ryan, we’ll bring this meeting to a close.

If you have any questions, support group officers will be available in the hallway on your way out. We also have a good selection of sweets and chocolates in the back (BTW, thank you, Margaret) for tension eating. feel totally free to indulge.


Stay strong, everyone. We’re going to get through this.

Ваш дружелюбный дом очарования соседства,


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