Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 211

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Ну, это не так много опросов. It’s a lot more just a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.


Surprisingly perky! — despite the hour so viciously wrenched from my grasp early Sunday morning (blast you Daylight savings Time!).

I also just finished my third cup of green tea, so now I’m like, whee!

What’s your idea of a best Sunday?

It starts with a terrific night’s sleep and easing awake slowly, rather than having an 18-pound cat use my tum as a springboard.

Then, El Hub gives me a nice, long hug — and not one of those 5 second ones, either, that ends with a pat on the back. He’s a morning person and wakes up antsy and rearing to go, so he’s apt to pull away before I’ve met my hug quota.

For breakfast, I have banana pancakes, an egg over easy, hash browns and a hot cup of coffee, and all of them just materialize out of thin air like manna from heaven, served while I’m still in bed, of course.

After breakfast, I read something fun and light for about an hour or so, buzz through 5 miles on the treadmill, take a leisurely shower, and then take as much time as I want to apply my makeup and do my hair.

Then, some brainless TV, a little a lot more reading, maybe a motion picture and some good food.

Tada! The best Sunday.

Would you care to dance?

Да, пожалуйста! Спасибо за вопрос.

If you were the star of your own reality TV show, what would the show be called?

Either My so-called Life As a celebrity cat Assistant, Tabs Takes Over, America’s next top Curmudgeon, Novato-licious, or project Exhaustion.

Really, the possibilities are endless.

Heels or sneakers?

Heels when I’m dining, shopping, or doing something social; sneakers when I’m jogging or exploring someplace new.

Favorite shower tune?

Isn’t It Ironic. ever considering that I heard it on The Voice last week, that’s been my favorite tune to sing in the shower. Ironically, though, I don’t know the lyrics…so I just keep singing the same part over and over again.

“Мистер. Play It Safe… was terrified to fly.”

Would you rather spend a quiet night at home or an exciting night on the town?

I’ve become quite the homebody over the past few years, but I wouldn’t say no to a night on the town as long as I didn’t have to wear anything too binding, and I could still be home by midnight.

And she inches ever closer to turning into Liz Lemon…

Ты улыбаешься незнакомцам?

I do, but only when I have food stuck in my teeth.

Шутя! Yeah, I do.

Something you’d like to do today?

Finish everything on my to-do list by six.

Еженедельные цели:

To run five days this week, to give myself a good pedicure, and to spend at least 20 solid minutes playing with Tabs each and every day.

Эй друг. delighted Monday.


Ой! So I was listening to my iTunes on shuffle last night when Fleetwood Mac’s say You will started playing.

I haven’t heard that song in years…

I really started getting into it. Full-on chair dancing and everything.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

Assuming you aren’t bopping too recklessly in your chair ideal now, do you have a minute to fill out the Monday Poll this morning?

To complete the Monday Poll, just copy the following list, and paste it with your answers in the comments.

1. Настроение:
2. What’s your idea of a best Sunday?
3. would you care to dance?
4. reality TV show title?
5. Heels or sneakers?
6. favorite shower tune?
7. A quiet night at home or an exciting night on the town?
8. Do you smile at strangers?
9. Something you’d like to do today?
10. weekly goals:

Have a good week, ya hear?

Ваш дружелюбный апелляционный призыв соседства,



Слияние Okay, so The walking Dead last night — did you catch it?

Um…all I have to say is, OH, SNAP! DID THAT really HAPPEN!?

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